
All in a Day's Adventures

We were driving on the freeway, when I noticed in the semi-truck ahead of us, the back had about four diamond shaped panels in it, and one of them had been popped in. There were guys inside the truck jumping up, trying to get out. They were wearing some sort of body suits, so all you could see of them was their hands. I realized that they were being smuggled in from some other country to commit a crime. I tried to call to report them, but I realized I didn't know where to call. I wrote down the license plate #.

My friend and I went in my brother's room to use his computer. I noticed that he had a new, super-widescreen monitor. I was worried that those men had already been there and would be able to tell I was trying to report them, but I felt that it was important enough to be worth the risk. I was looking up "supreme court". I had a hard time finding what I was looking for- (just a phone # or something) instead I just found some kind of form you were supposed to print off, fill out and sign, and mail in. I figured that would take too long, and the damage would already be done by these mystery men.

I was waiting with a whole bunch of people to go to a sports game or something, and everyone was trying to dip their things in this bucket of dye that was supposed to put like logos or something on what was dipped in it. You were supposed to dip it in real quick, and then take it out before the water permeated the object. Pretty much though, things were just coming out wet. An older guy by me kept dipping in clothes, and leaving them in there too long so they came out soaking wet. I was wondering how his family was supposed to put them on. Lastly he dipped in some thong underwear and then held them up and proudly gave them to his daughter.
I dipped in a sweatshirt for my cousin's little baby. A lady next to me was dipping in a stack of cards. Apparantly she didn't think about the water warping the cards. I realized that nothing was really changing from being in the bucket, and decided I was done with it. On the side of the table the bucket was on, some lady was taking a picture of her baby dressed up as a duck, and was going to turn it into a cute yellow themed card. I really enjoyed the fact that the baby blew out some yellow snot just before the camera snapped.

On the way back, there were some police stopped on the side of the road, so we stopped, and I jumped out and ran to go tell them. I realized I knew one of them, so I ran up to his window. He was in the back seat. The policeman in the front seat jumped up real quick, but the one I knew, Luke, told him to relax. Their police car was really weird. It looked pretty much like a black and white Honda Element from the outside. On the inside, there were tons of rows of seats, two by two. It reminded me of a trolley. I told Luke about what I had seen. He wasn't sure what he would be able to do with that information. I said, "Oh, that's right, I also wrote down the license plate #." He said, "Oh good, that should help us out." I dug in my purse, and I couldn't find where I had written it down. I was very disappointed. I asked if I could get it to him whenever I found it, and he said sure. I asked him for his phone # so I could contact him.

Then we went to some kind of a meeting with a lot of young people in a big room. We were being divided into groups. It was kindof boring, so I left, and went to a friends house where some people were hanging out. I invited a friend to come sleepover, and then we went to walk to my parents new house. It was only a few blocks away, so some of the people from the party walked us over. One was someone I knew from elementary school- I told him how I had been to a meeting earlier that day with all the kids from Hamel, and they were dividing them up into groups for the new schools, so they would know some people. He didn't live in Hamel anymore, so he didn't go.
When we got to my parents' house, my friend, her little sister, and my cousin all came in with me. I figured oh well, 3 people is okay. My parents jumped up- they were surprised to have us come there. The little girls went to look at the things in my room. My mom asked if I had a bike. I did. She said they had won bikes for the whole family. They opened the door to the garage. I saw my mom and dad's new bikes. They were very nice. Then they were pulling in the ones they had picked out for us kids. Two of them had paper around them with a note warning that the color had faded. I wondered why they had chosen those bikes. They were also pretty dinged up and dented. I was glad I already had a bike. The little girls finished looking at my room, and my friend's little sister ran outside. I went out after her. She was looking nervous. I asked her if she meant to go back with the rest of the people, and she said yes. I told her that we could drive her back to the party in a few minutes.


Biking in San Francisco

My husband and I are in some bike race. We have to ride all the way up a mountain. When we get to the top, the way to get down is over a waterfall. As we look down towards the city, San Francisco, I see there is like a large pool of water with another waterfall on the other side. There are a few police parked at the shallow edge of that pool. We are told that they are there to protect the city and keep people from shooting at it.

We jump over the waterfall. At the bottom, I nearly bounce over the rocks and off into the bay, but one of the policemen catches me and saves me.

My sister's place, Italy

I was visiting my sister somewhere in the world. I had been swimming somewhere early in the morning, so when I came back I decided to take a shower. It was in the middle of the room, and suddenly people started coming in, so I grabbed my towel and went in the next room to dry off. When I came back, Some of my personal items had gotten left out on the floor, and some guys were laughing and asking me what they were for. I told them they were for my shoes, to make the soles more cushiony. They didn't seem like they believed me, but left it at that.

I was walking up a grassy alley, coming to my sister's again, and I noticed a whole bunch of easel's with sale tags sitting out, and realized that there was an art store on the other side. I went around to go look at the store, and bumped into some of my sister's friends. They wouldn't let me continue on to my sister's place, because supposedly she was coming down to meet them here. We went into a coffee shop/bakery. I was going to get a little scone, and I looked behind the counter and saw these little containers of tea and realized I was in Florence, Italy. Noone was talking in Italian though, and I realized that you really didn't need to worry about knowing Italian in Florence. This girl was buying my tea for me, but didn't want to buy my scone. She was stuttering trying to explain what kind of coffee she wanted, I tried to help her out, and the girl behind the counter says, "Oh, ok, we call that a gym coffee" I say in Italian "Hai?" or "You have that?" She stares at me for a minute, and then says "Yeah."

She brings out the gym coffee, and I tell her "Grazie." Then it is my turn. I am ordering a blackberry shake all of a sudden. She enters purple on her little ordering screen, and tells the guy behind the counter that purple will mean grape flavor this time. I know it's not what I want, but I don't bother correcting her. I am more focused on the fact that I have two ice cream cones in my purse- a sugar cone, and one shaped more like a cake cone. I am wondering whether they will take them for part of the payment, and if so, how much money they would give me for them.


Diapers and Babies

I am at a grocery store. There is some sort of diaper wash service that is collecting diapers in the entryway. They are collecting disposables, not cloth diapers though. I am filling my second bag with dirty diapers when a man comes up behind me. I quickly tie off that bag so that my diapers won't get mixed with someone elses. The man is Dermot Mulrony (the actor). He compliments me on my skills with babies ("My" baby is not there.) He hands me his baby boy to hold while he unloads his diapers. His baby has some sort of severe facial deformity. I worry that it is going to have developmental problems. I try to be nice and comment on how great the baby's hair is. It is very dark, about an inch long, and as stiff as a broom.